Pay Per Meeting

This service is for you who do not want the risk on your side, and who only want to pay for the result you get. We have developed our own system which is so reliable that you only pay if we deliver meetings with your desired target group.

1. Target group & targeting

We start by identifying who your customers are, which decision-makers at these companies you want to reach, and which message is most effective in generating results. We also map out the best way to reach these decision makers.

2. Outreach campaign

After the mapping, we get in touch with these relevant decision-makers and start a dialogue through an interest-engaging approach. To ensure that the right message reaches the right person, we also work with effective A/B testing in this process.

3. Introduktion med beslutsfattare

When the dialogue continues and arouses a sufficiently strong interest, we book you in for a meeting with the desired contact. The contact here is fully informed about what you are working with and is interested in hearing more about the product in order to potentially become a new customer of yours.
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Let's find right together

We always start with a personal meeting to understand your needs and goals. Book an appointment today! Do you want to hear more about our solutions and how we can help you become better digitally? Leave your details and let's bring in new business for your company together!

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    Or reach us via:
    Email icon Malmskillnadsgatan 45, 111 38 Stockholm